Managing investigative journalism projects can be more daunting than the reporting. The Boston Globe’s Robinson shared the lessons he learned leading Pulitzer Prize-winning Spotlight team. Continue Reading →
Uncovering Asia 2016 (https://2016.uncoveringasia.org/tag/walter-robby-robinson/)
Managing investigative journalism projects can be more daunting than the reporting. The Boston Globe’s Robinson shared the lessons he learned leading Pulitzer Prize-winning Spotlight team. Continue Reading →
Walter “Robby” Robinson led the Boston Globe’s Spotlight team during their Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation into the Catholic Church coverup of sexual abuse by local priests. Robinson, who is now editor-at-large at the Boston paper, sat down for an interview with GIJN before his keynote speech at the Second Asia Investigative Journalism Conference in Nepal to discuss the experience, including techniques, challenges and lessons. (You can find Part Two of this interview here.)
Walter “Robby” Robinson sat down with GIJN before his keynote speech at the Second Asia Investigative Journalism Conference in Nepal to discuss the future of investigative journalism. Continue Reading →
Walter “Robby” Robinson oversaw the Spotlight investigation into the Catholic Church’s cover up of sexual abuse by priests. The Boston Globe’s editor-at-large shared the inside story with GIJN before his keynote speech at the 2nd Asia Investigative Journalism Conference in Nepal. Continue Reading →
The keynote speaker for Uncovering Asia — the Asian Investigative Journalism Conference — will be journalist Walter “Robby” Robinson, who led the Boston Globe Spotlight team’s Pulitzer Prize winning investigation into the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal. In the Academy Award-winning movie “Spotlight,” Robinson’s character was portrayed by actor Michael Keaton. Robinson has worked at the Globe as reporter and editor since 1972. He is currently the paper’s editor at large. “There is nothing in life more fun, more rewarding, than digging for the truth and finding stories that the people in power don’t want us to know,” Robinson recently told journalism students. Continue Reading →