Uncovering Asia 2016 is hosted by three organizations: the Global Investigative Journalism Network, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, and the Centre for Investigative Journalism, Nepal. For more about us, and links to our work, please see below:
Global Investigative Journalism Network
The Global Investigative Journalism Network is the world’s premier international association of investigative reporting organizations. GIJN’s membership includes more than 100 nonprofits and NGOs in 45 countries. Its primary missions are expanding and supporting quality investigative journalism worldwide. This is done through sponsoring global and regional conferences, including the every-two-year Global Investigative Journalism Conference.
GIJN also does training, links journalists together worldwide, and promotes best practices in investigative and data journalism. GIJN was founded in 2003 when more than 300 journalists gathered for the second Global Investigative Journalism Conference in Copenhagen. Membership is open to non-profit media organizations that support investigative or data journalism.
Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung
The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) supports democratic development, and provides a substantial contribution to international cooperation and understanding. With more than 200 projects in the world it is Germany’s largest political foundation.
The Media Programme Asia of KAS strengthens dialogue between media and politics. It monitors and highlights current media trends through publications and events, and provides education for Asian journalists for a free, ethical, and responsible press. Among its partners are the Asia News Network (ANN), a syndication network of 22 national newspapers from 20 Asian countries with a daily readership of 50 million, and he Konrad Adenauer Asian Center for Journalism (ACFJ), which has offered degree and non-degree distance learning programs to the emerging elite of journalists in Asia for 15 years.
Center for Investigative Journalism, Nepal
Centre for Investigative Journalism, Nepal was established in 1996 by a group of enthusiastic journalists under the umbrella of nonprofit Himal Association. The aim of the organisation was to produce quality investigative reporters through fellowship and mentorship support under the tutelage of senior journalists. Almost two decades later, the centre has developed into an independent organisation which has worked to promote quality investigative reporting in the mainstream Nepali media. With a wealth of expertise in the filed, our experienced mentors have provided orientation and trained journalists to probe deeper, develop a thorough understanding of the issues at hand and report comprehensively.