Indian journalist Rana Ayyub has herself become major news since the release of Gujarat Files, which she self-published in May. The book chronicles Ayyub’s eight-month sting operation and implicates India’s current prime minister. Continue Reading →
Uncovering Asia 2016 (https://2016.uncoveringasia.org/tag/uncovering-asia-conference/)
Indian journalist Rana Ayyub has herself become major news since the release of Gujarat Files, which she self-published in May. The book chronicles Ayyub’s eight-month sting operation and implicates India’s current prime minister. Continue Reading →
Este fin de semana se reúnen 350 periodistas de investigación, periodistas de datos, expertos en legislación y medios, y en seguridad, de más de 45 países en la conferencia Uncovering Asia 2016, en Katmandú, Nepal, del 22 al 25 de septiembre. Continue Reading →
Corrupt authorities, be very afraid. The Uncovering Asia 2016 conference has assembled some 350 top reporters, data journalists, and media law and security experts from 45 countries to tool up, network and collaborate on cross-border investigative projects. Continue Reading →