Freedom of information laws now exist in over 100 countries, but journalists must increasingly navigate bureaucratic resistance. The right strategy can go a long way, experts said. Continue Reading →
Uncovering Asia 2016 (https://2016.uncoveringasia.org/tag/freedom-of-information/)
Freedom of information laws now exist in over 100 countries, but journalists must increasingly navigate bureaucratic resistance. The right strategy can go a long way, experts said. Continue Reading →
Worried that your email is not secure? You should be. Andy Yen, co-founder and CEO of ProtonMail, discusses using encrypted email service. Continue Reading →
Journalists surveyed in Pakistan are lacking in harnessing the potential of data journalism: as a survey found that majority of the respondents did not utilize Right to Information laws to obtain official data and only a handful of journalists knew how to scrape data from the web. Continue Reading →